This document will allow you to enable price embedded barcodes from various sources like weigh scales.

This setup is for Price Embedded barcodes only.

As a guide line, this is the general makeup of a price embedded barcode.

The first thing you must do is create a part in System Five with your 5 digit part number. In my example I created a miscellaneous part with a part number of 87401. 

Next we want to setup the masks in System Five.

To do this, open the Setup Wizard and go to Point Of Sale Devices - Price/Weight Enabled Barcode.

We must first enable the first two masks with a check mark next to them.

Then set the variables on each line to match the variables pictured below.

Now you can enter the barcode from your scale to test. You must create your inventory item with a 5 digit barcode first or the test function will return an invalid barcode error message. If no error is found you won't receive any messages. If no error  messages occur, click the save button to save the new masks.

I have generated two barcodes below for an Inventory item 87401 that I created for testing purposes .

The only difference between the two is the Prefix value of 02 or 2. All other numbers in the PLUs are identical.

With the mask set in the Setup Wizard and part number 87401 created, when I scanned the barcodes into System Five, I now get the correct prices appearing in the point of sale window.


Created by Steven Wind July 08 2024