The point of sale transaction report can be grouped in Batches and Shifts to make combined reporting easier.
Definition of Terms
It is important to have a clear understanding of the definition of each of the following terms as they relate to the Point of Sale Transaction Report. It is also important to understand the relationship between the terms. Below is an example that should clearly explain what each term means and how they relate to one another.
Batch - A Batch is a collection of Shifts.
Shift - A Shift is a collection of Transaction Reports
Transaction Report (by Station, Clerk or Department as selected in the Setup) A Transaction Report is a Report of all of the Transaction that were processed by a given Station, Clerk or Department during a given Date Range.
How it works
For the first Shift of the day:
Station 1 in Transaction Report 1 is closed by a clerk.
Station 2 in Transaction Report 1 is closed by a clerk.
Station 3 in Transaction Report 1 is closed by a clerk.
The second Shift takes over, a supervisor closes Shift 1 which closes Transaction Report 1.
For the second Shift of the day:
Station 1 in Transaction Report 2 is closed by a clerk.
Station 2 in Transaction Report 2 is closed by a clerk.
Station 3 in Transaction Report 2 is closed by a clerk.
A supervisor closes Shift 2 which closes Transaction Report 2.
A supervisor closes Batch 1, which closes Shifts 1 & 2.
Below is the reporting tree for the processes described above:
Batch 1 - contains:
Shift 1 - contains
Station 1 - Transaction Report 1
Station 2 - Transaction Report 1
Station 3 - Transaction Report 1
Shift 2 - contains
Station 1 - Transaction Report 2
Station 2 - Transaction Report 2
Station 3 - Transaction Report 2
Reporting on Batch 1 - Shift 1, presents a summary of Transaction Report 1 for Stations 1, 2 and 3.
Features of Batches / Shifts
- Combined reporting of a Batch or a Batch and Shift.
- POS Transaction reports can be moved from one batch or shift to another should you forget to close a batch.
- Batch assignment is done at the time the transaction report is closed. This means you do not need to close until just prior to the next days closing of the point of sale transaction report. Clerks can count their cash drawers at the end of their shifts and print their reports and a supervisor or manager can then review the accuracy of their counts prior to the final closing of all the combined transactions for the period.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: When a Clerk counts the cash for their specific Terminal, the values entered for each of the Tender denominations is not summarized in either the Batch or Shift. This is by design to allow for an independent audit of the actual monies present at the time of the File Closing.
- There is a Clerk security function for closing Batches and Shifts so that Clerks without this security will not see or be confused by batch information.
To turn on the Batches or Shifts for the point of sale transaction report select the following menu path: Setup Wizard > Invoice Setup > Point of Sale Transaction Report.
Check the box next to Use Batches.
Select the number of shifts from none to 10. Even if you set the number of shifts to none, you can still add a shift as a method of splitting a batch into multiple batches. The batch / shift feature can safely be turned on or off, and the number of shifts can be changed at any time.
Point of Sale Transaction Report - Transaction Report Mode
To run the report for your till / station only, select the default Transaction Number Report and click Next.
If you have security to close batches you will see the screen below showing you the current batch and shift.
You can then close the shift or batch if required before closing the Transaction Report.
The Close Shift button will add a new shift to the current batch. If this button is disabled, it means that you are already at the maximum number of shifts, and you must close the batch first. If you do not have this button, then you have the number of shifts set to none.
The Close Batch button will create a new batch and set the shift back to one. If you have not closed all your shifts, you will be warned that Not all Shifts are closed. If you select no or cancel, you can close the shift instead. You may select yes to close the batch anyway (this could be normal if you don't have the same number of shift on each day).
Note: It is not necessary to close the batch or shift immediately after closing the Transaction File and before making new sales. Batch and shift assignments are done at the time the Point of Sale Transaction File is closed, so you don't need to close the batch or shift until just prior to the next time you start closing the Point of Sale Transaction Files. For example: the clerks close the transaction files at the end of the day, and the batch would not need to be closed until sometime the next day before the clerks start closing again.
Close Batch and Close shift can report and close batches by department.
Point of Sale Transaction Report - Batch / Shift Mode
From the first screen, select Batch / Shift Report and click Next.
Along with displaying the Current Batch and Shift, this page will also have a "Report Batch and Shift" section located on the lower left of the screen. Report on specific shifts and/or batches, by selecting the shift or batch from the tree view on the right. Selections made will display in the "Report Batch and Shift" section.
After clicking Next, the Station and transaction report pages are hidden and the report will list all transactions for the selected Batch and/or Shift.
Click to load all batches in the system. The default view is to load only the last 50 batches.
Moving Transaction Reports
In the Batch / Shift mode, you can drag Transaction file numbers from one shift or batch to another. To drag an Transaction file number, select the item on the tree view with by clicking and dragging the transaction number to a new batch or shift. You cannot drag a whole shift or batch from one to another, you have to drag each transaction number one at a time.
Adding a new Shift
To add a new shift, select the batch, right-click and select New Shift. This will add a new shift to the selected batch. Then drag and drop Transaction reports to the new shift you created.
During the upgrade from a prior version, the conversion process will automatically assign a batch number to each transaction file based on the date the transaction file was closed. So all transaction files that were closed on the same date will have the same batch number. Shift numbers are not assigned.