CTRL+B character (STX Prefix) is not transmitted when scanning a barcode from a client connected via Windows RDP
Ensure that the client has the “Apply Windows Key Combinations” enabled for the local computer.
Also see article:
Once set, opening a CMD prompt on the Terminal Server via a RDP connection and scanning a barcode with a properly configured scanner will produce a similar output as below:
If you are running Windows 10 and still do not get the ^B character, you will need to run the command prompt as an administrator on the local workstation, and on the remote session, then check the properties of the command prompt.
- Click Search or right click on the Windows button on the task bar and select Search.
- Type cmd. Command Prompt should show at the top of the search window.
- Right click on Command Prompt and select run as administrator.
- Right click on the top of the command prompt window where it says Administrator: Command Prompt, and select Properties.
- On the bottom of the Command Prompt Properties window, check the checkbox that says Use legacy console (requires relaunch).
- Click OK and then close the command prompt window.
- Relaunch the command prompt and scan a barcode. You should now see the ^B
updated by Steve Wind June 29 2018
faq/using_barcode_scanners_with_windows_terminal_services.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/29 11:49 (3 years ago) by swind
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