Selecting the Transaction Types Overview
The Point of Sale Transaction Report can be used to report on Cash, Accounts Receivable or both. Typically you will use the Cash and AR option, which is the default. However, there may be times when you want to report on one type of transaction or the other for investigation or auditing. The Transaction Type selection window is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Transaction Type selection window
When the Cash Only option is selected, System Five provides the ability to select a specific Tender Type. This can be very handy for investigating overage's and shortages in a specific Tender. The Tender Type selector is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The Tender Type selector
The default selection is All Tender Types. To select a specific Tender Type, click the drop down arrow on the right side of the selector to display a list of all of the tender types configured in your system.
When you have completed your selection, click Next on the toolbar to continue to the Station Selection step.