You must have administrative priveledges to be able to do this

Adding a User

From the main navigation menu, 

Go To Setup Tools > Setup Wizard > Users and Security > Names and Passwords

1. On the right side, you should have all the users created within SystemFive.

2. Select one that matches the task or access rights to the new user

3. Then click on the button New/Clone User button on top

4. Give it a Name or UserName

5. To specify a password, tick the checkbox Change Password and give it a Password

You will need to type in the password twice to confirm.

5. When done, simply click on the OK button on top to complete.

Deleting a User

Go back to Setup Tools > Setup Wizard > Users and Security > Names and Passwords, 

Highlight the user you want to delete and click on Delete User button

You will then be prompted with the confirmation window.

YES - if you wish to only mark the user for deletion, not completely deleting it but will be hidden from the list.

NO - to delete it completely, you cannot recover this anymore. 

After this action, the user should disappear from the Names and Passwords list