
Select one of the reports to view by clicking one of the links on the left hand side. The categories viewed report shows how many times various categories have been viewed. The Top Parts report shows the top parts that have been viewed. The Lookup Words Searched For report shows the top inventory lookup words used to find inventory items. A lookup word is one of the words attached to an item in System Five.

Categories Viewed

This report only includes categories that have been viewed at least once by a customer. A “session” is defined as each time a visitor opens a web browser and views your site. This means that a “session” is not unique to a visitor, although this may be the case most of the time. The date range defaults to the start and end date that statistics are available for. Running the report for a date range outside of the default date range will return no results.

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Top Parts

This report shows the top viewed parts by visitors to your site. If you would like to, you can rerun the report for a certain date range. This report only shows hit statistics for the top 20 viewed parts. The date range defaults to the dates statistics are available for. Running the report for a date range outside of this default default date range will return no results.

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Lookup Words

This report shows the top lookup words used in searches by visitors to your site. If you would like to, you can rerun the report for a certain date range. This report only shows hit statistics for the top 20 words. The date range defaults to the dates statistics are available for. Running the report for a date range outside of this default default date range will return no results. This report only includes searches done using the advanced search feature.

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